Specialist Wood Burning & Multifuel Stove Retailer since 1982
Fireplace Alterations
Most potential customers seem to have either a bricked up chimney breast, an old gas fire fixed to the wall, or a fireplace and fire they inherited with the house but have never particularly liked.
Below are a selection of previous installations to give you some ideas but if you're struggling for a design, why not come to the showroom and have chat? We have a selection of mock fireplaces in the showroom to give you some inspiration plus a choice of different hearths such as tiles, stone and granite.
If you have an older house, pre 1930s there may be an original brick fireplace we can expose, re-instate the brick arch then clean up and repoint the brickwork inside the new opening.
If you're looking for a more modern look we can line the chimney breast opening with a smooth heat resistant board, this gives the look of a plastered finish. The hearth can then be tiled or we can fit a granite, stone or brick hearth. As an alternative we can also tile inside the chimney breast opening.
To finish the fireplace off a beam or surround can also be fitted. If you already have a surround we can modify the fireplace to be able to re-use it.
No chimney? No problem
Newly built properties and extensions are not normally built with chimneys, this doesn't mean you can't have a stove. We can install an insulated flue, usually referred to as twinwall, which can either route through the property or out through the wall. If you don't want to see the insulated flue in the room with the stove, we can build a mock chimney breast.
Due to the slightly more complicated nature of these installations, if you are having an extension done and are thinking of a stove, please come to us to discuss your requirements at the planning stage so the flue can be designed correctly.
Morso Squirrel 1412 on tiled hearth

External twinwall flue, using British Made Midtherm HTS in black powder-coat finish.